Thursday, December 17, 2015

Blah blah blah

Finally here I am again, trying to write in english, randomly.

By the way, if you notice, this is the fifth writing in this english-version blog, and might be the last article for this year (yes, now is already December!). I almost forgot about the existance of this blog because lately I only posted my main blog via smartphone application, named blogaway.

Some of you-who-read-my-main-blog may know that I am not a good multitasker, especially from a small-screen smartphone. A lots of typing mistakes frustated me, ha ha. I really love blogging but this doesn't mean that I can write fast. I need more time for writing. Moreover, writing in other language that's not my mother tongue (here means English). Sometimes a day is not enough. But it's okay. Today I am very happy writing some short random thing to remember in this blog, practicing my english as well, after I remember to open blogger via desktop.


  1. Same with you. I need more time for writing in english. Haha XD. I need two days or more to write and publish my english blog post. Can hardly your next post. :)

  2. Hi Oka. I's so sorry I didn't notice your comment. After I read it in my dashboard (yep, I have some other blogs so I didn't see the notification) I publish it immedietely.

    Me too, I can't wait myself post something new in this blog. lol :D

    Btw, thanks for your visit. It's my pleasure


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